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Monday, July 14, 2014


State of the City Address
14 July 2014
Baguio City Hall Grounds

City Mayor

The Honorable Congressman of the Lone District of Baguio, Hon. Nicasio M. Aliping, Jr.,
Honorable Members of the City Council headed by Vice Mayor Edison R. Bilog,
Department Heads and Assistant Department Heads,
Men and Women in Uniform,
Fellow workers in Government,
Members of the Quad-Media, GOOD MORNING!

A year ago, we stood on this ground to assume another mandate from the people, with a renewed commitment to pursue the direction that we have laid down in the previous term. Then, we vowed to address a 5 point action agenda echoing the wish list of our citizenry harmonized with the national administration’s contract with the people; for (1) a sustainable environment, (2) and economy (3) a socially inclusive growth towards reducing poverty (4) responsible and accountable public servants for good governance and (5) safe and resilient City.

To lead the City forward is an adrenaline-charged job. Many times it is thankless but its rewards have been awe-inspiring, the very reason why we continue to be here as an energized City Government. The divergence and dynamism in many of our undertakings in managing City affairs across departments and with the City Council show our individual enthusiasm and the healthy rubrics of governance that at the end of the day, lead us to a united stand for public welfare. Harry Truman once said, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”, or may have been otherwise said, “If you can’t handle failure, get out of the leadership”. As your humble Janitor of the City, we believe that public service deletes party lines. As we have always emphasized, public service demands our full commitment putting behind us political differences and preferences. After all, our public must deserve our best, because they have decided to put us where we are today.

Allow me at the outset to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who continue to work with that rare passion of keeping government and our City going strong and growing. Where I am today as your Local Chief Executive is where the rest of you are. It is not only I/me that spell the success or failure of this Government and the City but WE.

To our Department Heads and Assistant Department Heads who despite the pressure of their daily grind manage to perform well and even above expectation. My performance as your Local Chief Executive can only be as good as how you do things on the ground. For that, I congratulate each one of you and I truly appreciate your avid support.

It is therefore in earnest, my obligation to report to you, beloved citizens of Baguio, our performance for the year just past.

The entire GOVERNANCE process takes into consideration the concept of a people’s budget that is responsive yet practical. It relies on good fiscal management ascribing to the basic principles of prudence and austerity in government operations thereby generating surplus more than what is projected. Savings will be proposed to be earmarked for impact projects in the pipeline as contained in the Annual Investment Plan through a Supplemental Budget. Earlier, the City Council has approved all proposed projects in the 2014 AIP for funding, I am truly grateful!

We operated on a budget of 1.3 Billion Pesos (P1,286,143,000.00) for 2013 and increasing by 12% for a total of 1.4 Billion Pesos (P1,439,582,000.00) in 2014. We are not aspiring for tiger increases but our budget certainly reflects a steady growth and full coverage of all priority concerns.

The lifeline of the City is from LOCAL REVENUES. We continue to employ innovative measures to encourage public responsibility in the continuing effort to improve local tax collection. Despite the pendency of proposed tax increases, we were able to realize significant increases in local tax collections, that sustained government operations.

Our total collections indicate a 9% excess over our target of 2013 (P618,610,000.00) or an actual 99.4 Million Pesos additional collection. 

For the current year, we have already collected 63% of our collection target (413.6 Million Pesos of 653.6 Million Pesos) as of June 30, 2014, both from tax and non-tax   sources, the remaining 37% spread over the next 6 months.

Business and real property taxes continue to be the top grossers as tax sources of income, contributing 31% and 25% respectively to the 2013 local income. It is significant to note that both sources exceeded the targets by 18% and 10% respectively. As of today, we have collected 76% (106 Million Pesos out of 141 Million Pesos) of our Real Property Taxes and 85% of our Business Taxes (179 Million Pesos out of 210 Million Pesos).

The installation of the eBPLS has greatly enhanced the business permitting system for the convenience of the transacting public as well as ease and facility for the City Treasurer’s Office in processing of documents and collection of fees and charges. Renewal of business permits can already be completed in 1 hour.

Likewise the continuing initiatives of the City Assessor’s Office in the assessment of new improvements and cleansing of real property units towards a GIS based Real Property Data Management, consistent with the City’s computerization program has greatly contributed to the increase in Real Property Units (RPU) subjected for  taxes. In 2013, a total of 122,405 RPUs was recorded, increasing to 124, 286 RPUs in 2014. (an addition of 1,881 RPUs or an equivalent  of 2.3 Million Pesos in RP Taxes)   

It should be noted that, we draw our Special Education Fund Tax from our RPT collections. Against a projection of 57 Million Pesos in 2013, we actually gave 65.4 Million Pesos or 15% more. For 2014, the SEF is pegged at 56.8 Million Pesos. We are currently at the 44 Million Pesos or 78% level of collection. The increase in RPT is important as it provides the much needed resources to support the Public Education Sector in the City.


As it is always said, in any organization, its employees are its most important resource. Today, we are a workforce composed of 1,400 warm bodies. The City continues to enjoy the benefits of being autonomous but compliant with CSC Rules and Regulations on Personnel Actions. Our aim is always geared for the total protection of employees while employed with the City Government.

A significant breakthrough for Employee Protection is the recent signing of the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA), providing City Employees an opportunity to organize and an avenue to legally ventilate their concerns to enhance employer-employee relations.


The City values sport excellence. It has supported local contingents in various regional and national sporting events. The sterling performance of the City Teams gained the:
·        National Championship in Iloilo City in February 2014.
·        Declared as the Overall Champion in the Philippine National Games in Metro Manila in May 2014.
·        PHILSPADA/National PARA Games participants garnered 10 golds, 4 silver and 7 Bronze medals.
·        The CAR Team, composed of 90% Baguio Athletes was elevated from Rank 11 to 5 in the Palarong Pambansa in May 2014.  
·        The City also saw the return of some national and international sporting events and personalities in the City; i.e. Northface Ultra Marathon, Le Tour de Filipinas, Ronda Pilipinas and the Milo Marathon Baguio leg. These were also tourism boosters.  

One of the success indicators of good governance is having a booming public market. We will continue our drive to transform the city market into people and business friendly facility. In addition to the continuing infrastructure developments, we will strive to clean and settle the issues of illegal vendors. Let us play a fair game where business must be conducted following our rules and not putting the city at an expense. The cleaning and clearing of unwanted stall extensions and illegal vendors in the market area and walkways along the central business district gained public support. It is about time to bring back the streets to the people. This is by the way consistent with the Aquino administration’s Baguio-Boracay Redevelopment Plan.   

We provide socially inclusive programs and services in the areas of Social Welfare, Health, Education and Public Safety. While much of these services aim to bring public services closer and more accessible to the marginalized sectors, we have seen that the community based approaches and decentralization strategies we have adopted benefitted majority of our constituents. We continue to operate and upgrade the services of 16 District Health Centers that are all Philhealth accredited to provide Primary Care Benefit Package among 4Ps, 1 birthing facility (Atok Trail Health Center) , 3 Social Welfare Facilities (Silungan, SDC and Child Center), 8 Police Sub-Stations, 1 Fire Sub-Station (Irisan) that will soon be augmented with 2 more (Aurora Hill and Gibraltar).  These facilities have complete manpower complement and provided with essential equipment in order to operate.

In the area of HEALTH AND SANITATION we have once again proven that if there’s a will there’s a way. Barangays Balsigan and Imelda Village were awarded as the Region’s Best and National Finalists for the recently concluded DOH sponsored “Best in Sanitation Practices” for 2013. We laud Balsigan Barangay for the effort to make a 360° turn from being one of the originally challenged (worst) environmental health and sanitation situation in the City and for Imelda Village Barangay for being a consistent award worthy barangay. It goes without saying that this is with the complete support of our Health Services Office.

The implementation the Anti-Smoking Ordinance got its worth with the City being accorded the Pink Orchid Award   in implementing the 100% Tobacco Free Environment. We garnered 75-89% based on the DOH criteria. We hope to clinch the Red Orchid next year.

The general health situation in the City is satisfactory with;

·        Epidemic level incidence of diseases generally controlled.
·         Zero deaths from rabies for 9 straight years
·        Drastic reduction of Dengue Cases by 75% comparing January to June of 2013 and 2014.
·        Zero deaths due to Dengue
·        Zero deaths from Vaccine Preventable Diseases
o   Maintained a 95% Fully Immunized Child Rate (0 to 6 y.o.) and Expanded the Immunization Program through the  Adolescent School Based Immunization for Grade 7 to 4th year in 22 public schools with a 69% accomplishment (13,242 adolescents) and the HPV immunization against cervical cancer was also administered to Grade 5 female students in 21 public schools in District 3.
·        Sustained minimal level of HIV/Aids particularly among men having sex with men (MSM) compared to other Phil. Cities. Though this continues to be closely monitored by the City.
·        Only 1 recorded case of maternal death.
·        99% of deliveries in 2013 occurred in health facilities assisted by skilled birth attendants ensuring the wellness of newborns.

In keeping with the times, we have established the Health Information System in 8 District Health Centers. It adopts the Wireless Access for Health (WAH). This e-technology provides Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for patients and allows them to consult with the DHCs through the Synchronized Patients Alert by SMS (SPAsms). The system saves on waiting time and cost for patients to go to the Health Centers. It also increased the number of patients served by the DHC.  We hope to complete the installation in the other 8 DHCs by yearend.

SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES cater to 7 clientele categories. For 2013, a total of 30, 492 individuals were served by the various social welfare programs, a figure slightly lower by 12% from the target.

Children, Senior Citizens, Family Heads and other Needy Adults top the list of clientele served in 2013. Considered as the most socially vulnerable, our City Social Welfare Programs therefore are very responsive to these critical sectors.

Under the various programs for children and the youth, the continued patronage for City initiated Day Care Services only shows that it is a successful preparatory program to formal schooling. A total of 7,266 pre-schoolers were enrolled in 2013.

A highlight of the Youth Welfare Program is the Educational Fund Assistance Program that supported 916 recipients in 2013. 130 students successfully completed their college degrees where 3 graduated Magna Cum Laude and 8 as Cum Laude. This is the very essence why we want this program to be pursued for deserving and enthusiastic young people who cannot be supported by their families.

The recent inauguration of the Welfare Facility for Children at Kayang Street is most welcome and helpful. Its presence in the City Center has facilitated the services to children who are in need of assistance.

Senior Citizens have been very active in a lot of City initiated activities. They are second on the list of social welfare clients served in 2013 with a total of more than 9,000, under various services. The institutionalization of the “Senior Citizen Official for a Day” Program of the City has added a lot of excitement to the twilight years of our elderly who are eager to give governance a shot even only for a day.

The program for Family Heads and other Needy Adults is the third most provided service. Its importance lies in valuing and saving families that are economically reliant and socially integrated. Serving 7,000 individuals is thus also saving their families.

The other program areas covering women, distressed clients and people with disabilities have equally performed well.

As of mid 2014, we have covered 53% of our identified social welfare target clientele.


The Division of City Schools persists to demonstrate its zeal to achieve excellence in public education. The numerous awards and recognitions garnered from regional, national & international arena are proof of this competitive initiative with the end in view of enriching the entire system and bringing honor to the City.

·        Sped Center Student placed 3rd in Asia Pacific Math Contest
·        The Division Representatives mostly brought home major awards   in Regional Competitions
·        2014 Overall CARAA Champion
·        We have the most outstanding SPED Center nationwide for SY 2013-2014, with outstanding SPED teachers for fast learners as the national champion and 1st Runner-Up for the Receiving Teacher.
·        SPED Center also clinched the 1st Runner-Up award for Outstanding HEKASI Teacher nationwide.
·        The Alternative Learning System of the Division also has the highest Passing Rate in the “Accreditation & Equivalency Test” in the Region.

The City has remained peaceful and safe, with the CRIME SITUATION remaining at a manageable level. This is a result of the relentless campaign for police visibility and intensified implementation of crime prevention programs in the City. The period reported compares crime situation scenarios between July-December 2013 and January –June 2014. Declining rates across all criminality indices are observed, while efficiency indicators are remarkably good indicating steadfast performance by our men in uniform. The Report reveals:

·        A 9.58 % decrease in the total crime volume (TCV)  
·        Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE) had a remarkable increase of 30.46% between the two semesters, from 43.55% in 2013 to 74% in 2014.
·        The campaign to arrest the Top Most Wanted Persons (TMWP) resulted in the capture 38 persons over the 12 month period.
·        The neutralization of 8 criminal gangs and the arrest of some members have constrained further criminal activities in the City.
·        The relentless campaign across all crime prevention programs and enforcement of City Ordinances and related laws with the new strategy of engaging vulnerable areas and sectors in the City resulted in more arrests and increased awareness among barangays, property owners, senior citizens, etc. and the public in general, contributing to a more peaceful and safer City.
·        Traffic Law Enforcement apprehended a total of 38,011 drivers and generated 8.1 Million Pesos in fines.

FIRE Protection launched a massive campaign on Fire Safety Inspection as a prerequisite for building occupancy and business permits. It resulted in the issuance of 301 certificates for building occupancy and 7,672 certificates for business permits. It generated 1.99 Million Pesos in Fire Code Fees. Over and above that, it is helping the public realize that fire consciousness is necessary for safety and protection of residents and economic activities in the City.

·        A 25% decrease in structural fires was noted during the 12 month period covered in this report.  

The years 2013 and 2014 spared the City from major disaster events. Just in time, in compliance with RA 10121 or the Disaster Management Act of 2010, the City was able to finally complete and submit its City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan for 2014-2016 and approved by the City Council.  


Despite the stringent requirements for procurement, the City abided strictly by the prescribed procedures of RA 9184 to procure services to implement necessary urban projects. We have for the 2 semesters been able to bid out 323 infrastructure projects with a total approved amount of 160.86 Million Pesos. On the other hand, during the same period 184 projects have been successfully awarded to various qualified contractors. The total approved amount for these awarded projects was 99.45 Million Pesos compared to an aggregate bid amount of 88.79 Million Pesos generating 10% savings or about 11 Million Pesos.

·        Project execution by the implementing departments indicate that the CBAO was able to implement 70 vertical infrastructure projects at the cost of 51.05 Million Pesos and saving 5.3 Million Pesos.

·        The CEO on the other hand was able to implement 338 horizontal infrastructure projects including previously bidded out projects outside the 323 at a cost of 84.12 Million Pesos. These are mostly roads, slope protection, drainage and sewerline projects.

·        In like manner, a total of 188 completed infrastructure projects costing 93.65 Million Pesos were monitored and evaluated prior to final acceptance by the City.

·        The Demolition of 60 illegal structures was done after thorough investigation. The City will pursue what has to be done at the old BIBAK Dorm along Harrison Road.


The proper management of our remaining environmental resources is a very critical concern of the City, the reason why we have adopted Green Governance as a core thrust of our administration. Today, urban solutions can no longer just depend on advocacy and traditional project planning. We have adopted drastic shifts in recovering our natural resources. As we see it now, solutions must include scientific methods, legislative reforms, expert advice, technology and a lot of stakeholder collaboration. Our initiatives as a local government focus on the following:

·        Wastewater Management. Our Sewage Treatment Plant is now 28 years old but still operates efficiently. Its initial expansion is in the offing once we will be able to procure the 16 Million Pesos Dewatering Machine to complement the processing of its current overload intake. (The Documents are now with the BAC)   

·        We have forged a partnership with the Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) who awarded us a technical study grant amounting to $225,000 (or 10 Million Pesos) to study options how best we can expand our current BSTP, following the Integrated Water Resources Management Concept.

·        Today, we have another group of experts from GIZ (German Consultants) to help us study our Communal Septic Tanks and how we can rehabilitate them with newer wastewater management technologies following the Nexus Approach for Urban Wastewater Management.

·        The “Salaknib ti Waig” has now been extended to the 4 major waterways in the City. Sampling points are now established and continuously monitored.

·         We are happy to have all the major schools as partners doing the biological research and science advocacy for this undertaking. The Industry and business sectors led by PEZA are also our partners. The barangays especially those abutting the waterways are very active partners in all the clean-ups and monitoring houses to compel connection or construct septic tanks that dispose wastewater into the drainage and waterways. That I truly appreciate.

·        Balili River is now declared a Water Quality Monitoring Area, that means we all have to work to recover its BOD level as a Class A River. Bued River is being considered also as another WQMA. This means that we will have to work harder to remove garbage and stop the indiscriminate disposal of wastewater into our waterways.

·        Air Quality Management. We were suddenly in the limelight 2 months ago because of air pollution. Cities for that matter are the busiest hubs of human activity generating all kinds of emissions. That is the very reason why we are relentless in our efforts to advocate for local actions to help us clean our air.

·        Our Roadside Inspection, Testing and Monitoring Team (RITMT) continues to operate. The results of operations indicate that we have improved in the passing rate of emission compliant vehicles. We are now at the 67% level compared to 39% when we first started.

·        We also noted that recent RITMT reports show that the public transport sector are now more emission compliant than privately owned vehicles that were tested. This can be attributed to the cooperation and collaboration with the public transport groups who are very active and supportive of the City’s Preventive Maintenance Courses for Drivers & Operators running on its 5th year.

·         Another major finding reveals that smoke belching vehicles are those that are not properly maintained, or are subjected to preventive maintenance only when caught.   

·        To assure us that Baguio Air is still good. We have just inaugurated another air quality monitoring unit in Burnham with the DENR, in addition to the Roadside Monitoring Unit at Ground Zero. The readings of the Burnham unit indicates that the general ambient air quality of our City is very much standard compliant. We also have our own 2 mobile units that complement the stationary units both for PM 10 and 2.5.

·        With EMB-DENR CAR, we had media orientation for proper reporting of critical information like air pollution. We still have a standing offer from Dr. Deocaris - a Balik Scientist, DOST scholar and Clean Air Asia (our Asian Network Partner on clean air) for a second phase orientation for our media friends.

·        To add, we must also look into the stricter implementation of our City Ordinance that prohibits burning, especially of garbage in the barangays and for our citizens to be more responsible car owners.

·        The Plastic Ordinance has to be reviewed before its full implementation considering factors such as convenience of costumers and a need for more thorough information and education campaign. 

·        The 15 Million Retrofitting into LED of our Streetlights and Park lights is also another initiative to Conserve Energy but it is also another strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions emitted by traditional lighting devices.

·        Our parks continue to be the showcase of local biodiversity and tourism. Developments continue mostly for fencing, sewer lines and drainage systems. For us and our visitors to really enjoy their visits, we have issued policies to regulate ambulant vending, parking and the conduct of activities within our parks. We are also finalizing the complete inventory of legitimate concessionaires in all our parks.

·        We have also started the move for us to go more organic by using our own fertilizer from the ERS 5 and the treated water from our BSTP for the use in our parks. Barangays and schools have also started using the fertilizer in their school gardens. We should soon be updated on its results.

·        Burnham Park (Concreting of Biking Lane and Juan Luna Drive and Paving of Sidewalks) and Wright Park (Installation of Drainage System) are seeing major facelifts. We thank the national government through the Department of Tourism for the funding support.

·        Diplomat Heritage and Nature Park is gaining popularity as a   venue for weddings, parties and shootings. It will soon be marked as heritage site by the National Heritage Institute. 

·        Forest and Watershed Management. We are glad that the City Government is compliant with the National Greening Program. It was a successful start with a total of 8.4 hectares planted with 21,982 seedlings last year. We are in the process of determining the survival rate to compare with the 85% reported on the first year.

·        We have prepared a 4 hectare portion within Forbes Park Parcel 1 as the second planting site of the City. As of today, City employees have planted a total of 4,173 or 13% and together with our partners 19% (6,033 seedlings) out of our 32,125 seedlings ready for planting.

·        We will also make sure that we will be able to establish our nursery at the Busol Watershed as an additional site for the propagation of more trees.

·        We have also ordered the immediate inventory of dead trees around the City. 92 barangays have completed their inventories with a total of 1,066 trees. We have already assisted in the cutting of 600 trees considered as dangerous thus priority.  

·        We are fortunate to already have a climate change study for Baguio done in partnership with ICLEI. (our partner for Local Governments for Sustainability) While we continue with our mainstreaming activities across various sectors as part of our Action Plan, we are in the process of completing our Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan.

·        We have adopted the Integrated Solid Waste Management System for our City. It is a Waste to Energy technology that uses Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) to generate power.  We located a site at the Sto. Tomas area that is ready to be surveyed so we can start with the preparation of the Physical Development Plan. Consultations have already been done where we gained a very positive response from the host and adjoining barangays including their officials. We are looking forward to start development before the year ends.

Local Legislation.  The City Council Members have been very supportive at crafting the legal frameworks for us to operate and pursue governance that is unimpeded. However, that is not without the vigorous and arduous dynamics in the Session Hall. I personally view the proceedings as an ultimate screening process that turns all stones to arrive at a common stand. We acknowledge the hard work of each member of the City Council for the protection of Baguio’s Citizenry.

They have consistently supported us particularly in the approval of essential legislation like our Annual City Budget and its companion Annual Investment Plan in record time for the 3rd consecutive year. Likewise for the speedy passage of our City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan, that will enable us to respond immediately and appropriately.

The City Council passed a total of 111 Ordinances for the period under report.

I would like to appeal once again for the City Council to consider as priority our proposed Land Use Plan and its companion Zoning Ordinance, The Proposed Revenue Code and the Revision of the Real Property Valuation as well as our proposed Environment Code. These are vital pieces of legislation that matter for our sustainability.


There is truth to the adage that no man is an island. It is along this line that we are strongly supporting the twin concepts of Cordillera Autonomy and the BLISTT as strategies of more realistic and integrative development in our Region.

We are still hopeful and aggressive in our advocacy and campaign for Cordillera Autonomy. We thank the seven Cordillera solons for signing and filing House Bill 4649 on June 11 of this year. Indeed, they did not wait for another batch of CAR Congressmen to do it for them. Let us support House Bill 4649- The third Cordillera Autonomous Region organic act and say YES to Autonomy for it is the future of the Cordilleras.

I am truly honored to have the confidence of my colleagues at the BLISTT Governing and Development Council. Over my objection, they have unanimously voted me to be the Chairman. I will do my best to be an instrument for a unified stand on trans-boundary issues on water, solid waste, and tourism, to the end that the BLISTT is developed in an integrated and wholesome manner for the good of all. 

We will commit to work along the lines of more collaboration, generous political goodwill rather than competition and indifference. That way, while valuing our own independence as an LGU, we will be able to see how best we can be of help to each other to open the opportunities for more responsive and beneficial growth that can be reinforced by the BLISTT contiguous landscape where the metro planning concept of development is appropriate.

Honorable Congressman Nic Aliping Jr. has filed House Bill 3463 –“An Act Revising the Charter of the City of Baguio”. We are now 105 years old as a City. The old Charter can longer hold true to this day. It is our hope that it will be passed for us to be able to keep up with the rapidly changing times.


There is no denying that rapid urbanization and population growth will continue to be our major challenges. These will continue to affect our resources and our capacity to manage them, especially critical infra for waste management.

As we vigorously pursue our growth as a City, the roads we shall trek continue to be complicated. If we continue to choose the same roads, we already know the end in sight. Will you then choose with me to walk the less trodden road that will lead us back to the basics?

I would like to emphasize the need for us to unite and work our way to resolve our concerns. Most of the times, solutions are simple and inexpensive, all that is needed is a little discipline and change of habits from bad to good.

We as Citizens should do more, each one must share in the responsibility to keep Baguio vibrant.  Let me share with you some key messages that can direct our way forward . . .   

·        Government is not a perfect system, in order to rise up to the challenge, you and I should take and share responsibility. (Good Governance)

·        In the City Government, we do not only count our pesos, but we make every peso count. (Financial Management;  austerity and prudence in a people’s budget)

·        If you must go to market or grocery, bring your own receptacle to lessen the use of plastic.  (Solid Waste)

·        Let us help clean the air by walking more and riding less. If you own a car, then be a responsible owner. (Clean Air & Healthy Lifestyle)

·        Smoking, drinking and drugs are the fastest routes to the grave.
(Anti- Smoking Ordinance & Healthy Lifestyle)

·        Plant more trees! If you don’t have a yard or garden, then pot it. (Tree Planting Ordinance)

·        Our City Parks are not valued only because of income they can generate, but of their intrinsic worth as a life support system; because of the trees, plants and flowers it nurtures that bring back birds, butterflies and bees; but also the water beneath it. (Green, Beautiful, Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management)

·        Conserve Light and Water. (Resource Management)

·        Convert the waterway and drainage as your frontage, treat it as if it were your own face.  (Wastewater Management)

·        Smart roads promote ease in mobility and access to goods & services, it is a conveyance without congestion & air pollution. (people centered transport policy)

·        Urban solutions for waste management today demand a science interphase with policy and a choice of technology. (Scientific Technology Solutions for Solid & Liquid Waste Mangement)

But most of all let us be positive thinkers and doers. Of course, we need our critics to keep our feet on the ground. But I also challenge those who criticize, TO SPEAK THE TRUTH AND SUGGEST SOLUTIONS, and we in Government will readily welcome them and adjust our programs as deemed possible and appropriate.

Yes, I am your leader, it is easy to say follow me to achieve our goals, but for now, with all humility, may I say, I need the guidance and inspiration of the entire citizenry, let us walk side by side to reach our vision of a vibrant Baguio.